[in beta] our parameters / spec will change over time. we’ll warn you as we make breaking changes - but these docs will always reflect the latest build.

getting started with sync.

welcome to the sync. quickstart guide! here, we’ll guide you through creating an account in our web app, generating your first api key, and making your initial request using the /lipsync endpoint.

the /lipsync endpoint allows you to synchronize your videos’ lip movements with any audio track, enhancing accessibility, engagement, and overall video quality. follow the steps below to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge lip-sync technology into your projects.

create an account in the web app

to kickstart your journey with our apis, the first step is to create an account on our web app. this simple process allows you to obtain an api key, manage your account, and access our apis.

generate an api-key

after signing up a new api key is automatically generated for you and can be accessed from the keys page of the web app.

you can also create new api keys and manage existing ones at any time from the same page.

generate your first video using the api

once you have your x-api-key, you’re ready to synchronize your first video using the /lipsync endpoint. to sync your video via the playground follow the instructions below:

checkout one of our other apis

dive into our comprehensive API offerings across various endpoint families designed to enhance your video and audio projects. each family serves a unique purpose, empowering your applications with advanced synchronization, voice generation, and animation capabilities.